Enteprise level landing page builder platform  - more than 300 landing pages
Enteprise level landing page builder platform  - more than 300 landing pages


Enterprise level landing page builder platform  - more than 300 landing pages

Client: Tieto corp, the leading IT company in Nordics

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About the client

  • Tieto Corporation
  • Leading Nordic software and services company
  • 14,000 experts in close to 20 countries
  • Turnover €1.5 billion
  • Open source contribution supporter

Tieto could be an example for all the big companies in strengthening open source initiatives. They agreed to share all the custom developments made for them with the Drupal community.

The challenge

Replace Episerver with Drupal

Drupal 8 is an "enterprise CMS", which means it can fulfill the needs of large companies or organisations.

Rapidly deliver a working prototype

With the Paragraphs module we were able to rapidly deliver a working prototype of a one page site creation tool.

Pilot project

Then we got a pilot project to recreate an already existing campaign site with the new technology.

Campaign site factory

Tieto decided to build a new campaign site factory as an alternative and possible replacement to its legacy closed source web platform.

What we achieved

  • Tieto Corporate ID compliance
  • Customisation of the platform
  • Non-technical people can create campaign websites

Super easy + strict admin vs. design

  • Flexibility and style guide compliance
  • High security standards
  • Low maintenance costs
  • No license fees
  • Open source contribution
  • The clients' increased reputation and higher technical reach via the drupal.org's backlinks pointing to Tieto

Most common sections

  • Bighero (video)
  • Text and image sections
  • Parallax
  • Infographics
  • Social links
  • Form
  • Map
  • Tweet feed
  • Video


years in production


enterprise landing pages created



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A Dance Theatre website

for one of the most significant companies in the Hungarian traditional dance revival movement and in the Hungarian dance and cultural life of Slovakia

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