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zsalfoldi |

UX Processes in motion: Our pain points as we see them - Part 2

In the previous post, we dealt with finding the relevant users for the research. Let’s continue our UX Research journey to a magical place, the city of Perfection where pain points and bottlenecks are just words people have never heard of. But to get there, we must visit some of them along the way and find a solution. 

zsalfoldi |

UX Processes in motion: Our pain points as we see them

Following Master Yoda’s wise advice: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” - We at Brainsum are definitely not just trying, but doing it. However, as with every process, we do experience many pain points along the road.

In this blog post (Part 1 of 2 posts), I am going to explain the first and most painful bottleneck we often face (sometimes day after day) and the solution which help us move in the right direction.

iszabo |

How it feels to install Drupal 10 as an UX designer

Is it easy for a newcomer to install Drupal 10 in a local environment in 2023? With notes and feelings during the installation, I will break down the steps taken to achieve the installation.

Attention, I'm a UX guy :)