Riley Cunningham |

Thoughts before heading off to Lille for DrupalCon

It’s yet again that exciting period of time, in which last minute tasks are crunched in the final week before heading out abroad for another round of DrupalCon festivities.  This year’s DrupalCon in Europe is being held in Lille, France, near the border with Belgium.  Having never been to this region of Europe before, I’m curious what the city has to offer and how the city vibe will resonate with all walks-of-life Drupalers traveling to one meeting point.

We’ve had another great year at Brainsum working on ambitious projects that run the gamut of client needs, one of which -, a social platform - is going to be showcased in a session.  Here’s what I’m looking forward to next week:

Riley Cunningham |

Dyslexia Mode: an effective accessibility improvement

Dyslexia, a lifelong disorder, makes reading/spelling a challenge for about 10% of the population (according to The British Dyslexia Association (BDA)). The disorder impacts accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.

Riley Cunningham |


Back in 2019, one of our digital partners, SwissTomato, brought us a new and exciting opportunity. We were challenged with implementing a new notification system for the website of GLAD network ( The GLAD Network (The Global Action on Disability Network) coordinates with bi- and multilateral donors for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action and international development.

Riley Cunningham |

A Privacy Experience Approach to your site’s Cookie Consent in a GDPR World

Protecting a user’s privacy rights with a website begins with your first line of code.  From this point on, all developers should have data protection in the back of their minds.  This is especially true for the backend.  Once that’s been acknowledged, the frontend has its own data protection measures that need to be taken, the most relevant of which is a site with a concisely written (presented content), easy-to-use cookie consent. 

Riley Cunningham |

Ubiquitous Privacy Experience - Data Protection Enforcement on a Global Level

There’s been extensive praise, critique and frustration regarding the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, which went into effect on May 25, 2018.  The regulation applies to all organizations that process personal data of an EU data subject, any individual who resides and/or travels through EU territory regardless of citizenship.